sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012

Eropean Union

World population distribution

Population density

Population density is the relation between the number of inhabitants of a place and the surface that this place occupies.  

In general it is considered that an area is little populated when it has a density of 10 inha./km2. And it is a very populated 

area, if the density exceeds 80 inha./km2.

Model of population cycle

The model of demographic transition progresses in four stages:

-Old or preindustrial demographic regime: it is characterized by high mortality and natality rates. Sometines Mortality rate is higher than natality rate, therefore there is a negative natural increase.

-First transition: keep the high natality rate, but mortality decrease, because of andvances in sanitation and health care.

-Second transition: the natality rate begins to decline, but mortality is still down, so there is balance.

-Modern demographic regime: mortality and natality are very low and sometimes natality rate falls so much that there is a negative natural increase.
The model of demographic transition progresses in four stages:

Map of natural increase of world population

Map of countries of the European Union

Actually there are 27 countries in the European UnionSome states today have their origin in the very recent changes that have occurred since 1989, after the fall of communism in Eastern Europe.

Synoptic chart of teterritorial organization of state

Synoptic chart of Spanish political system.

miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012

World water cycle

The water is continually moving.We call to these different stages water cycle.

1.Evaporación: The Sun heat the Earth surface and the water evaporates. The Sun also evaporates water from river, lakes, oceans. Plants form more water vapour with traanspiration.

2.Condesación: The vapour cools and then it rises up, this process forms the clouds.

3.Precipitación:  whuen water from the clouds falls as snow, rain or hail.That happen because the small droplets of water that form the clouds become heavy.

4.A part of the water goes to rivers and lakes seas or oceans. And the process repeat itself.

5. The other part of the water is absorbed by the land and  form aquifers.

World climatological map

On Earth are three defferetent climatic zones according to latitude: a hot zone, two temperate zones and two cold regions. With these have got these features types:
  • Warm climates are found in the intertropical zone.
     - Equatorial climate.
     - Tropical climate.
     - Desert climate.

  • Temperated climates are between the tropics and polar circles.
     - Mediterranean climate.
     - Maritime or oceanic climate.
     - Continental climate.

  • Cold climates occur in the polar regions and high mountain areas.
     - Polar climate.
     - Climate of high mountains.

Physical and Political map of Europe:

                                               Physical map of Europe:

                                          Political map of Europe: